Thursday, December 13, 2012

Photos of My New Abode

This is my house! As seen from the front. Not too shabby!
I live in a professor complex adjacent to the school, so it's three housing units in one of these long buildings. I live in the middle, with families live on either side of me, and I share my housing unit with a Mozambican teacher.
Behold the Latrines. Each one corresponds to a house. Mine is the second from the right. There's an identical row of these that serve as bath houses, the only difference being that the bathhouses don't have a hole in the ground for, well, you know. They have a drain instead.
This is the inside of my house. I haven't decorated yet -- that's still coming.
This is my "kitchen". Mini-fridge and hot plate? It's just like college!
My bedroom. Notice the alarmingly large stack of books and somewhat useless Peace Corps manuals. I need a bookshelf if I ever want to open that trunk that all that crap is sitting on.
Decor in my room. On the left: To remind me of my PCV friends. I knew pilfering the Thanksgiving decorations would come in handy. On the right: To remind me of home. Next I want to draw a giant map of Mozambique and put pins where all my friends are.
Saving the best for last, this is the view from my front porch. Pretty sweet, huh? The mountains are gorgeous at sunset.
And there you have it! This is where I'm going to be living for 2 years. Woah.


  1. My wish came true! Pictures! :) Your casa looks beautiful.

  2. At least you have your own personal latrine! Mrs. H.

  3. Very true. Some volunteers have to share and... it's not pretty.

  4. Yay! I like these pictures. Looks like you'll live a (relatively) comfortable life. Cute house! I guess it'll be better with your doggy to keep you company too =)
