Monday, March 11, 2013

Central Cohesão

This past Friday marked exactly three months since we arrived at site. This is an exciting time, firstly because we've survived what's widely known to be the hardest time of Peace Corps service, and secondly because it means our three-month travel ban is up! No longer confined to our provinces, we're now allowed to travel freely throughout Mozambique.

So, naturally, at our first opportunity that's exactly what we did. This weekend, all of us living in the Central provinces of Tete, Manica, and Sofala got together in Messica, just north of Chimoio,  and spent two days at a secluded lodge called Casa Msika. We enjoyed the company of other volunteers, relished the quiet luxury  of the lodge (i.e. took an excessive number of showers), and got caught up on the latest fofoca (gossip).

This is apparently an annual event, called Central Cohesão, and is intended to bring volunteers in the Central provinces closer together to form an unbreakable bond of friendship and cameraderie. There may have also been some kind of strange initiation ceremony, but I'm not at liberty to say.

Needless to say, we had a blast, and got to do the three things that volunteers do best:

1. Descansar (Rest)

LEFT: Sarah's tuckered out from an all-day hike. RIGHT: Wendy enjoys a nice nap on the grass.

2. Relaxar (Relax)

LEFT: Shane and Dylan share a special bond. RIGHT: Chilling out by the pool.

3. Festejar (Celebrate!)

I am joyously reunited with Lisa, completing our trio, the self-dubbed "Blondtorage"

We had a great time, and the weekend passed much too quickly for my liking. As much as I like the quiet life in Mavudzi-Ponte, I'm always counting down the days until the next time I get to see the other volunteers.

Nevertheless, I was very happy to be home again at the end of the long and tiring trek back to Tete -- I walked into my complex to an ever-so-happy to see me Poppy, made some dinner and promptly slept for twelve hours.


  1. One of my students just used your blog as a tool to learn English. You are awesome. This weekend was awesome. Miss you already!
