Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Ode to Winter

O African Winter
How I love thee
As I sit and ponder
With my hot cup of tea

It's cool and pleasant
The world has transformed
I stay under my blanket
All huddled and warm

Day after day
Under cloudless blue skies
The mosquitoes are dead
and so are the flies

I teach in comfort,
And you know what's more?
Even the goats
Don't poop on the floor

The locals are bundled
Like there's a great freeze
As the temperature drops
Below 70 degrees

I put on my hoodie
Scarf and socks, too
And I think O Dear Winter,
How I will miss you!


  1. Very nice poem! How long does this lovely season last? Mrs. H.

  2. It's almost over :-/ Summer is coming. But I have thoroughly enjoyed it while it lasted.
