Saturday, October 5, 2013

My New Roommate

As you know, I've been pretty excited about receiving a new roommate. Someone to hang out with when everyone else in town has left... someone to chat with in the evenings... someone to sit on the couch with and watch movies late at night....

Today, I finally received my new roommate, and, well... she's got some quirks.

First of all, the spent the first three hours after moving in hiding in dark corners. She didn't say anything, just kind of.. whimpered for a bit. She wouldn't interact with anyone, and only came out when I prepared dinner. She's very frightened and jumpy. Oh, and she's super hairy. Just thick black hair all over her body.

I should probably mention, I am talking about a cat.

Meet Lilu. I just watched the Fifth Element again last night, and I decided to name my new kitten after the "CHICKEN! GOOD!" chick from that movie. Incidentally, what a simultaneously horrible and awesome movie.

Back to the point. Taking a yowling kitten home in a crowded chapa with a backpack full of groceries is no walk in the park. Lilu was transported to my house in a cardboard beer box. As soon as she got here, she darted under the couch and didn't come out until I set a saucer of milk in front of the couch. She was thirsty, and hungry too! I fed her some canned fish that I bought in the grocery store -- looks pretty disgusting, but she ate it right up.

Honestly, I have no idea how to take care of a cat. I've never had one. But I'm really looking forward to learning! It's already been pretty fun. As I write this, Lilu is playing around in my buckets. In fact, it looks like she's stuck in the big bucket. Oops. Well, that's all for now then, more later!


  1. Are those blue eyes? This will complicate your life - hopefully in a good way! Mrs. H.
