Friday, November 15, 2013

Vamos Jogar!

A little over a week ago, I had a visitor at my site -- Michaela, one of the new trainees.


A year after visiting Sussundenga to see what volunteer life is like, I got to be a host and brag about Mavudzi-Ponte. It was a really nice feeling, showing someone around, feeling proud of my little village, pointing out all the sights.

However, Mavudzi-Ponte's not very big, and within half an hour we'd walked all of it. So, on one of the days she was here, we decided to pop over to neighboring Kaunda, Szasha's site, and help her out with her basketball court project.

Basketball court in progress!

Szasha's basketball court joins sports with HIV/AIDS awareness, and her basketball is an impressive accomplishment, especially considering the time crunch. There have been so many hurdles along the way, and I was glad that we got to be there and help out at least a little bit. It was reassuring to see people from the community eager to help out and put in the effort -- it re-energized me to look at some projects that I want to do in my own village.

The pedreiro works hard from dawn to dusk.
Some teachers help paint the backboard.
Mostly, Michaela and I stood around watching. But we helped a little, too! And Szasha's students enjoyed meeting other azungu.

I sketch the Peace Corps logo on the corner of the mural.

Michaela practices mad basketball skills with some Kaunda students.
All in all, a successful day! And a project to be proud of! These types of projects showcase what we as members of the community can do. With the completion of the court, Szasha will never truly leave Kaunda.

A Dona -- the boss lady proudly showcases the court.

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