Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Family fun + Illness

So, quick update. A couple of anecdotes.

The illness that I quickly alluded to last time progressed rather quickly to a somewhat disturbingly high fever. On Friday night I slept for 15 hours straight, and I thought it had passed on Saturday night, but it came back with a vengeance. It was a long night. My fever spiked at 103, and I had shivering chills on and off for several hours. To make matters worse, it was during a terrible thunderstorm and we lost power and cell phone reception, so I couldnt have called the medical emergency line even if I had had the energy to lift my hand and find my cell phone. But it passed, and the next day I finally did get ahold of Peace Corps Medical, who told me I might have Malaria. SUPER FUN. But I tested myself with the kit they give all volunteers, and I did NOT have Malaria. Also within 24 hours I was feeling fine again, so whatever it was was temporary. But it was an interesting weekend, to say the least. Its always fun to call your mom and preface it with ´So I dont have Malaria, but....´

On a funnier note, my host brother came home from school the other day and proudly showed me his tests with awesome grades. As I was complimenting them, I heard my sister start to mumble something about ´Yeah, but he copied all the answers´ before he shut her out of the room. Later that day, he was asking me the words in English for a bunch of stuff around the house, and I found out that my sister already knew all the words. I turned to my brother and said: `See, Mana (sister) already knows these because she doesnt copy off her classmates in exams... students who copy in MY class get ZEROS.´ And we all chortled heartily at his expense.

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