Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Hello from Chimoio!

5 weeks into training, Peace Corps sends all the trainees on site visits to visit currently serving volunteers. They do this primarily so we can see what its going to be like for us when we get to site, but I have a sneaking suspicion its also to give us a breather and help us retain that one fragment of sanity that we have left after five weeks of training.
This week, I went to central Mozambique, near the city of Chimoio in a small village called Sussundenga with another volunteer, Sam. We had a fantastic time, got to know the volunteer that lives there now, Jamie, who introduced us to all her friends and showed us around her site. It was really nice to actually see how she lives and how her daily life is. She has some really close Mozambican friends that we got to know. Sam is my new best friend now, by the way. I will update more about site visits once I get back to Namaacha. There is actually a hotel in town that has wifi that they will let you use if you buy a coffee or a drink there, so my days of hurridly spewing out random information about my life are coming to a close -- I swear, the next entry I post will actually have some thought that went into it, and it wont just be word vomit of whatever comes to my head first.
But as this time of thinking things out first has not come to pass yet, here are some random parting thoughts that I will leave you with.
1. Canasta is a fun gcard game and its not just for old ladies.
2. I want a pet goat or burro. It is happening.
3. Any green leafy vegetable cooked with peanut and coconut is delicious. There are many varieties of this in Mozambique and I love them all.
4. It is possible to fry chocolate chip cookies in a frying pan. You do not need an oven. All I need is a non-stick frying pan. This is going to be one of my mail requests.
5. Riding in chapas is not as terrifying as you would think. It calms me that if it flips over in the middle of the road, there are so many people crowded in there that you'd be padded on all sides and not much could really happen to you.
6. Manu Sam e o meu melhor amigo!

Until later, with more coherent thoughts and pictures.

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