Wednesday, November 21, 2012

I  thought it was about time to give an update. A lot has been happening as of late!

We are approaching the end of Pre-Service Training, which cumulates in Model School, where we all practice the teaching methods we have been learning on local kids, mostly our host brothers and sisters. I teach a double lesson on Friday about Pursuing Personal Goals so wish me luck.

Its strange to think that in two weeks I will be in Tete. I already feel so much better about my site placement than I did at first. I am looking forward to living on my own again and being able to set my own schedule. As much as I love my host family, I don't always feel like getting up at 5:30 and sometimes I just want to sit and read without my sister and her friend tugging on my sleeve. But I can't be annoyed with them for very long because they are so endearing. Every night my sisters teach me Changana words and I teach them English ones. They are quick learners.

At the end of training in we have a swearing in ceremony and we all wear matching capulana  clothes. This means that we all bought matching capulana cloth and we are taking it to local tailors and seamstresses to get dresses, shirts, vests etc made so that we can be matchy matchy for our ceremony. My friend Veronica and I designed a dress together that we are both having made for us. Its so exciting!

Well, that's about all I have for right now. I will try to update again before swearing in. In less than two weeks I will be in Mavudzi-Ponte!


  1. I can't wait to see pictures of you in your dress! We missed you today at Thanksgiving---it's so nice to "visit" your blog and be in touch!

    Aunt B

  2. Exciting! You're going to look so pretty in your capulana clothes. I can't wait to see.


  3. You're getting dresses made? Whoa. That's so exciting. :) I miss you Helen!
