Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Site Placement........... eeeeehhhhhh

Just got our site placements. I am not sure how to feel about it. I told myself going in that I was going to expect the "worst", living by myself in the middle of nowhere in the hottest site with a Mozambican family with children far from all the other volunteers... And that is kind of what I got. On the plus side, there is one other volunteer near me (we're going to be best friends!) and I am inheriting a dog from the previous volunteer, and we live near Tete city, so I'll be able to get there easily. Unfortunately all the other volunteers in my province are older married couples except Szasha. And we are going to be in the hottest part of the country. And I am sharing a house with two other teachers and their families. Peace Corps expectation 1 says you will serve where they tell you to and I am fully prepared to do that, but it's hard to be excited about living in the middle of nowhere when the people around me are celebrating their ideal beach-front sites in Inhambane less than an hour from a dozen other volunteers.


  1. Patience, grasshopper.

  2. At least you know know where and can finally get started! How interesting to be so close to that historic river! What fascinating things you are doing!!! Aunt B
