Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Tomorrow is a Very Big Day

Tomorrow is a very big day. At the end of the day, Peace Corps staff will reveal to us where we are assigned to live for the next 2 years. Its exhilirating and terrifying, because it also means we will find out which of the friends we've just spent the last ten weeks making we are going to be living near and which ones are going to be clear across the country. We are all hanging on by the threads of our sanity. I have no idea what mix of emotions await me tomorrow but I just hope the good ones outweigh the sad ones.


  1. Helen! I am always so happy to see you post. I'm thinking of you and praying for you. (Are you used to eating non-hamburger deliciousness?)

  2. No worries, you've got this! Post announcement is big, but remember that there are friendships yet to be made -- I legitimately hadn't ever had a conversation with one of my (now) best friends in Peace Corps before we went to post. You're going to be awesome no matter what! Keep us updated, and yay for exciting news!

  3. Can't wait to hear where you'll be! Aunt B
