Thursday, March 6, 2014

A Day in the Life (Part 2: In Pictures!)

A small sample of photos that speak to what life in Mavudzi-Ponte is like.

Kitty sitting in her favorite place.
Simba helps Laura mop the floor.
Quizito plays guitar for the neighborhood kids.
Time to burn some trash!
Typical houses.
Morais, the Celine Dion lover.
Noah teaches his daughter the vowels.
Our water boys and their friends read.
The Wheelbarrow Gang going to get water.
Some colleagues chilling in the shade on a hot day.
Soares cooks dinner while Simba watches hungrily.
Raul and Marco play with Simba.
The river.

1 comment:

  1. I think I saw The Cat in the Hat! I see a genuine and contented friendly look in all the faces. And, I like those river rocks. Mrs. H.
